Friday 5 June 2009

Trainer Terry and Twenty Two Minutes


I bit the bullet and have booked in a coaching session at the gym next Tuesday. Josh, my original coach has handed me over to Terry who, apparently, is a lot more knowledgeable about weight training. I'm really looking forward to it even though he did say 'so whose arse do you want to kick' - I hope he hasn't got the wrong idea bout me :-) He also went on and on about eating more protein and taking 'creatine' (must find out what this is). Had a good session at the gym on my current, and soon to be old, routine. Really built up a sweat and lifted heavier weights than last time - though now I know, according to Terry, not heavy enough!!


Really, really happy this morning. I ran for 22 minutes without stopping. I mapped it on Map My Run and it was 2.1 miles. This is a massive achievement for me and I really felt like a 'runner' this morning. I could have gone on as well but my 45 minutes were up and I had to get readly for work (boo hiss). My schedule this morning was:

5 minute warm up walk

5 minute jog
1 minute walk
5 minute jog
1 minute walk
5 minute jog
1 minute walk
22 minute jog

Total : 45 minutes.

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